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The Phenomenal Science Race is a fun and engaging resource to accompany the teaching of Grade 8 Science and Technology in Ontario's French language schools.
Developed by the Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques (Le Centre franco), this interactive resource offers authentic learning situations that combine several areas of study from the Ontario Ministry of Education's Science and Technology (2022), Grade 8 curriculum, and encourages scientific curiosity.
In addition, it helps develop essential STEM skills and make important connections to deepen understanding of the fundamental concepts and key ideas of science and technology. The educational activities promote the use of the following scientific approaches and processes: the research approach, the experimental approach and the design process in engineering.
The ergonomics and design of the interface aims to promote a quality user experience.
Entrant Company
Lei Ye
Website & Mobile Sites - Best Data Visualization
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Xiaoxue Snowy Zhang
Digital Illustration (Single) - Unpublished / Personal / Passion
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Travel Santa Ana
Digital Marketing (Campaign) - Banner Campaign
Country / Region
United States