Vega Awards Silver Winner


The Telos of Technology?

Entrant Company

Ruby Thelot (13101401 Inc.)


Video / Online Video (Single) - Experimental / Innovative

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

Entry Level


This video is a meta-essay, i.e. an artwork where both the medium and the content are in conversation. In order to speak of the Telos of Technology, I decided to innovate and experiment with AI-avatar technologies which are as you will see contentious. Who are these people? What is the implication of renting one's likeness? Who really is speaking when we estrange voice from body and from text. Of course, this choice is in direct relation with the content and the matter of the video, adding an extra layer of depth to the video itself. The crux of my research seeks to explore the consequences of technology on the Self. Specifically, how technology affects ontology or Being. By way of Heidegger's essay "The Question Concerning Technology" and Ted Kaczynski's "Unabomber Manifesto", I attempt to answer the question. This video-essay uses form to also express a message about technology. Both format and content act as potential answers to my inquiry.

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Entrant Company

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Apps & Softwares - Services & Utilities

Country / Region

United States

Website & Mobile Sites
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Entrant Company

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Website & Mobile Sites - Best Navigation / Structure

Country / Region

United States

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Country / Region

United States

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Country / Region

United States