Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


Change the Script Campaign Commercial

Entrant Company

Charge Ahead Marketing


Video / Online Video (Single) - Health / Fitness / Wellness

Client's Name

CT Cleaninghouse/CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Country / Region

United States

This commercial/PSA is part of the Change the Script campaign, which is funded by the Connecticut Clearinghouse and the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. It focuses on a succinct, clear narrative on action steps that all individuals can take to keep themselves and others safe from the risks of overdose. The text and spoken narrative educates about these action steps -- yet in an accessible, digestible way that has health literacy in mind. The visual narrative shows depicts the family and social support that is key to helping individuals find and maintain recovery. It also depicts safe behaviors in terms of medication safety.


Charge Ahead Marketing
Matt Romanos
Jens Johnson Photography
Jens Johnson
CT Clearinghouse
Thomas Fulton
Video / Online Video
Lotus Pictures, Inc. | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner

Entrant Company

Lotus Pictures, Inc.

Video / Online Video (Campaign) - Health / Fitness / Wellness

Country / Region

United States

Digital Marketing
Gravity Global | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner

Entrant Company

Gravity Global

Digital Marketing (Campaign) - Integrated Campaign

Country / Region

United Kingdom

Jeff Broadbent Audio Corporation | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner

Entrant Company

Jeff Broadbent Audio Corporation

Games (Campaign) - Best Score & Music

Country / Region

United States

Website & Mobile Sites
500 Designs | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner

Entrant Company

500 Designs

Website & Mobile Sites - Professional Services

Country / Region

United States