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Over the years, StoryTrack has worked with many nonprofit organizations to produce videos for social and capital campaigns. We have seen how video can help to raise awareness and inspiring action. Yet as video marketing becomes ubiquitous, creating memorable content for your nonprofit organization becomes more difficult.
As storytellers and marketers, we strive to find ways to help our clients create content that stands out, as well as meeting campaign goals. Each organization and campaign is unique, but some things are essential for any compelling campaign video. In this video StoryTrack worked with Pillar Schools to create
the High School video to help viewers understand how they enhance the lives of people with disabilities and other special needs by supporting personal growth, independence and participation in the community.
Entrant Company
Cloud Construct
Mobile Apps / Sites - Lifestyle
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
WMUL-FM Marshall University
Social Content & Marketing - Social Presence
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Environmental PR Group
Social Campaign & Series - Contests & Promotions
Country / Region
United States