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AARP Savings and Planning deployed a targeted email campaign to drive awareness of and promote a webinar about their student loan tool, Savi. The email provided timely and helpful student loan management information as well as simple steps to help recipients manage their finances, savings, debt and retirement through the Savi platform. This email conveyed AARP’s robust variety of debt management resources and also encouraged recipients to click on links to additional financial resources, such as AARP Money Map, to join other free and on demand savings and planning webinars, and to explore all AARP tools and calculators to plan for retirement to learn how to achieve money goals.
Entrant Company
St. Louis County Government
Website & Mobile Sites - Government
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United States
Entrant Company
Travel Santa Ana
Digital Marketing (Campaign) - Banner Campaign
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Digital Illustration (Single) - Arts & Culture
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