Vega Awards Silver Winner


STEPS Host Perfectly Quiz

Entrant Company

Charge Ahead Marketing


Website & Mobile Sites - Educational / Training

Client's Name

Southington’s Town-wide Effort to Promote Success (STEPS)

Country / Region

United States

Southington’s Town-wide Effort to Promote Success (STEPS) makes substance use prevention a priority in the Southington community. It does this through education, work to limit access, and advocacy for policy change. STEPS believes that it takes a village to ensure the success of youth in their community. Their coalition involves collaboration between students, parents, educators, media, clergy, law enforcement, businesses, and other community stakeholders.

The STEPS website is the conduit to bring all the above to life! One of the features is an interactive quiz on alcohol use called Host Perfectly – it’s designed to educate parents about the laws, physical health impacts, party hosting implications, and prevention best practices around alcohol. It includes common questions about laws and prevention, appropriate education based on answer choices, and links to more resources at the end of the quiz.

The Host Perfectly quiz is accessible here:


Prevention Coordinator/STEPS
Megan Albanese
Outreach Coordinator/STEPS
Kristin Sandler
President/Charge Ahead Marketing
Glenn L. Laudenslager IV, MBA
ice President/Charge Ahead Marketing
Matt Romanos
Project Manager/Charge Ahead Marketing
Cathy Huda
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