Vega Awards Gold Winner Winner


New Website

Entrant Company



Website & Mobile Sites - Best Art Direction

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Just in time for the 110th company anniversary the brand LINDEMANN Metal Recycling Solutions launched its new website: responsive, interactive and in an eye-catching Pattern-Design with Fixed-Navigation. It’s based on joomla, an Open-Source Content Management System that has been extended by a modular front-end framework for the development of fast and complex web interfaces.

The structure of the menu items in the main navigation bar is truly unique as it has been created analogous to the claim Shred. Cut. Press. WIN! User will find the whole content assigned accordingly.

The 360° animations are an absolute highlight for tech fans – including all the LINDEMANN models to allow web site visitors to take a deep dive inside each and every machine. To ensure that these and other technical gimmicks do not generate massive data volumes taking endless time to load, these interactive models have been specifically optimized for representation in the world wide web.

Organizing content is easy, just use Drag and Drop. In addition, the new web site is connected to the Tool recruitee applicant management system as well as to the Salesforce CRM tool: contact requests are directly routed to the correct interfaces within our company.

The new web site, designed and developed by the German Agency Mr. GRIPS, will be available in 5 languages and continuously updated.


CEO Mr. GRIPS/ Concept
Maria Kaufmann
Nadine Pagenkemper
Web programming
Matthias Murzcak
Apps & Softwares
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Entrant Company

Dmitry Moystsrapishvili

Apps & Softwares - Music

Country / Region


Social Media
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Entrant Company

Gravity Global

Social Media (Campaign) - Social Video

Country / Region

United Kingdom

Website & Mobile Sites
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Entrant Company

ID International

Website & Mobile Sites - Aesthetics

Country / Region

United States

Digital Illustration
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Digital Illustration (Single) - Animation / Visual Graphics

Country / Region

United States