Vega Awards Silver Winner


Revolutionizing the World's 5th Largest Accounting Network

Entrant Company

Diff Agency


Website & Mobile Sites - Best Mobile User Experience

Client's Name


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Diff took on the challenge of revolutionizing the website for the world's 5th largest accounting network, and we're proud to share the incredible results with you. We embarked on a holistic redesign, focusing on a complete overhaul of the content structure to create an intuitive, engaging experience that would drive more leads to our client's business.

To achieve this, we worked closely with our client to ensure that every aspect of their business was represented in the new design. Our solutions were put to the test at every stage of the project, from the sitemap and navigation to the modernized visual design, ensuring that we were always in tune with the needs of our users.

The result? A cutting-edge website that provides users with quick and clear access to a vast range of services. With an engaging layout that encourages users to explore, we've seen a significant increase in user engagement with our client's content, and an impressive uptick in the number of leads generated by the site.

Our team is thrilled to have been a part of this incredible project, and we're confident that the redesign will continue to drive success for our client well into the future.


Creative Director / Diff Agency
Anastasios Mantas
UX Director / Diff Agency
Jonah Tozman
Visual Design Lead / Diff Agency
Jarek Kucharczyk
UI Designer / Diff Agency
Hendrick Joseph
UX Lead / Diff Agency
Ben Brake
UX Designer / Diff Agency
Teresa Huesca
UX Designer / Diff Agency
Nina Paramonov
Project Manager / Diff Agency
Alex Young
Principal Consultant / Diff Agency
Hai-Long Nguyen
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