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As a pro bono service, InPress LLC public relations and marketing - a single member LLC - produced/directed an informational video for New Mexico Hospitality Association - a non profit that represents the hospitality and tourism industries, with a member base of over 300. A challenge that many New Mexico hotels have faced, especially following the pandemic, is filling vacancies and encouraging careers in the hospitality industry. Despite what some may think, most branded hotels such as Marriott, Holidays and Hyatts are locally owned and operated. InPress spearheaded the project by interviewing three owner/operators of branded hotels to humanize the faces of hospitality, and provide examples of success stories for those considering a career in the hospitality industry. Although the CEO of NMHA was unable to post the video to the NMHA YouTube channel due to technical issues, she created a channel in her name where the video has been shared with NMHA members, lawmakers, and the general public. The Secretary of the NM Department of Tourism commented, who saw the video along with her team, said that the video "encapsulates in a few minutes what [she] has been trying to communicate to lawmakers and the public over the past several years."
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ROKK Solutions
Website & Mobile Sites - Travel / Tourism
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United States
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School of Visual Arts
Website & Mobile Sites - Educational / Training
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United States
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LHWH Advertising & PR
Social Media (Campaign) - Travel
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United States