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With over 500,000 subscribers, 350+ videos, and over 45 million views, Gareth David Studio has been creating design educational videos on YouTube for over 10 years.
From scripting to filming, editing, to post-production I create these videos to help aspiring designers learn graphic design and unleash their creativity.
In this design lecture video, I discuss one of the most crucial design principles in Poster Design. In this video, I show the various grids a designer can use for their poster design with many visual examples to demonstrate how they can be used.
This video is important for designers who want to improve on their layouts and learn about grids and how to use them in design.
Entrant Company
Mod Op LLC
Website & Mobile Sites - Celebrity / Fan
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United States
Entrant Company
Video / Online Video (Single) - Animation
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Entrant Company
nss factory
Website & Mobile Sites - Best Content
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