Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


FOGO eCommerce Website Redesign

Entrant Company

efelle creative


Website & Mobile Sites - E-Commerce

Client's Name

FOGO Charcoal

Country / Region

United States

eCommerce Website Redesign for FOGO Charcoal and Grilling Experts

FOGO Charcoal is a family-owned business that lives for all things BBQ and fire. They make specialty charcoal that helps their customers bring better experiences to their backyard and tastier food to the table. FOGO’s charcoal is also sustainably sourced from El Salvador.

Our main goals for this eCommerce website redesign included:

* Improve the Design & UX of the site

* Build traffic by adding a recipe library

* Tell the FOGO brand story visually and through the copy

* Utilize brand colors and contrast for the most important calls-to-action

Visually, our design team played a lot with the use of color on the FOGO Charcoal website. We wanted to keep things simple with the contrast of black and white, two colors used in the FOGO logo. However, we also incorporated the red and yellow colors from the logo (and the colors of fire.) These colors were used for important buttons or anything we really wanted to draw attention to.

We advised this client to focus on storytelling and building a recipe library, and we were able to highlight these items visually.

The website was built on Shopify which allowed us to create sections for recipes, grilling tips, and ambassadors as needed. We also integrated several aspects of products throughout the website so that there’s something for new visitors and returning customers.

Digital Marketing
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Entrant Company

Havas, Prague

Digital Marketing (Campaign) - New Category (Digital Marketing)

Country / Region

Czech Republic

Social Media
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Margaritaville Resort Orlando

Entrant Company

Rentyl Resorts

Social Media (Single) - Best Use of Video

Country / Region

United States

Website & Mobile Sites
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Entrant Company

State Farm Insurance Company

Website & Mobile Sites - Web Applications / Services

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
Studio Fets LLC | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner
Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, Inc. (agency)

Entrant Company

Studio Fets LLC

Video / Online Video (Campaign) - Best Use of Visual Effects / Motion Graphics

Country / Region

United States