Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


Bring it On

Entrant Company

Gravity Global


Video / Online Video (Single) - Automotive

Client's Name


Country / Region

United Kingdom

The Task. EGR is a very well-established automotive parts manufacture for major OEMs, with sites all over the world. They’ve designed a new product to go on the back of pick-up trucks (Toyota Hilux, Ford Rangers, Volkswagen Amarok, Mercedes X-class etc).

Think of it as a horizontal roller shutter, similar to one on your garage. It is sold in the AFTERMARKET for new and existing vehicles. Existing competitor products are either waterproof, but not rugged. Some are secure, but not watertight. Non have managed to have the three main vehicle cover attributes. Until now.

The Idea. To demonstrate the toughness of the product, this route uses the bold headline, “Bring it on.” Hard-hitting and confident,

it provides no doubt that RollTrac is a serious piece of kit that

gives pickups an even tougher edge. Additional copy lines present standard issues pickup drivers may face. However, in juxtaposition, highly dramatic visuals are created in an extreme ‘test centre’ environment to illustrate them. This allows us to represent a variety of scenarios in a much more exciting way that also clearly demonstrate the tangible benefits of the RollTrac.


To exhibit RollTrac’s capabilities, the shoot took place in a disused hanger which is being used as an extreme test centre. Here, a pickup fitted with a RollTrac faces three intense trials…

First, a long armed digger with bucket dumps it entire load of water directly over the RollTrac to see if it can repel even the toughest soaking.

Next, Britain’s strongest man Adam Bishop slams four 100kg

Atlas stones on top of the cover, and then stands on it himself.

Can it tolerate the hammering? Lastly, a gang of three ex-con car thieves try to break through the locked RollTrac cover to see if it can withstand their brute force.

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Entrant Company


Website - Business to Business

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Divers Alert Network

Entrant Company


Website - Best User Interface

Country / Region

United States

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Divers Alert Network

Entrant Company


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Country / Region

United States

DesignHammer | Vega Website Awards 2021 Winner
Divers Alert Network

Entrant Company


Website - Best Navigation / Structure

Country / Region

United States