Vega Awards Arcturus Winner Winner


2021 January Hearing Center Email

Entrant Company



Digital Marketing - Email Marketing

Client's Name

Thomas ARTS

Country / Region

United States

AARP Hearing Center deployed its first email of 2021 on January 21 that featured a free hearing test, 6 content modules and will build on awareness of the Hearing Center's overall digital experience. The email provided recipients with timely and practical tips, guidance and information on hearing protection, treatment options and devices for them or their loved ones as well as providing signs to identify if their loved ones might have hearing loss or issues after they spent time with them over the holidays.


Email Marketing Manager, AARP
Anne Schmidt
Marketing Platform Technologist, TA
Kaely Wolf
Marketing Platform Architect, TA
Justin Stofferman
Senior Account Manager, TA
Caroline Peck
Copywriter, TA
Gary Sume
Art Director, TA
Damon Rasmussen
Mobile Apps & Sites
Learnie | Vega Website Awards 2021 Winner

Entrant Company


Mobile Apps & Sites - Experimental / Innovative

Country / Region

United States

3 Lopez Media Inc | Vega Website Awards 2021 Winner

Entrant Company

3 Lopez Media Inc

Website - Non-profit

Country / Region

United States

Digital Marketing
WebMechanix | Vega Website Awards 2021 Winner

Entrant Company


Digital Marketing - Branding / CI

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
Multipleoutlet Productions & Charity Bids | Vega Website Awards 2021 Winner
National Jewish Health

Entrant Company

Multipleoutlet Productions & Charity Bids

Video / Online Video (Single) - Best Editing

Country / Region

United States