Vega Awards Arcturus Winner Winner


How to combat COVID-19

Entrant Company

MORE Media Group, inc.


Video / Online Video (Single) - Animation

Client's Name

Sterile Safe Solutions

Country / Region

United States

Sterile Safe Solutions™ 5-step methodology addresses all areas within a facility or space. With our design for your facility, the tools and technology that we deploy can continuously sanitize and disinfect your floor, surfaces and air within your space 24/7/365.

Companies and organizations that adopt the Sterile Safe Solutions™ program for virus eliminated environments, will receive the tools & technology, accredited certified training and they will be awarded the awareness package that includes; entrance window decals, device safety awareness stickers, employee graduate certificates and employee lapel pins, and patches.

We can put America back to work that with the right Tools, Technologies and Training and create a new workforce of educated virus and bacteria elimination technicians.

Virus & Germ Eliminating Tools and Technologies

Sterile Safe Solutions™ offers hospital grade state-of-the-art proven tools and technologies that will kill and eliminate viruses and bacteria within all aspects of your environment on a daily and continuous basis.

Certified & Accredited Training for Your Staff or Organization

Our accredited and certified training is for all employees or the entire organization and goes beyond current COVID-19 guidelines. The program encompasses how to use & apply germ-killing tools and technology for different environments, eradicating germs, log-reduction, cleaning, deep cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting and environmental design for safe occupancy in any facility.

Strategy for deploying Tools, Technology & Training

Elimination of COVID-19 is our first goal. Our engineers and experts will evaluate your facilities and offer specific tools, technologies and training for your unique environment to create a continuous germ-killing process on a daily basis. The areas we address in our methodology include the floor, high contact surfaces, uncommon & overlooked surfaces, common surfaces and the air throughout your facilities.

Employee, Customer & Occupant Awareness

Our process will bring back a better normal in your environment for your occupants with clean air, disinfected and sanitized surfaces. With our public awareness program, you will provide better certainty to all occupants that your facility and organization are addressing all aspects of germ-elimination.


CEO / MORE Media Group inc.
Bill Ganz
Josh Ryan Kohlhas
Video / Online Video
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Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

Entrant Company

Environmental PR Group

Video / Online Video (Campaign) - Government

Country / Region

United States

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Entrant Company

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Video / Online Video (Single) - Retail

Country / Region


Mobile Apps / Sites
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Entrant Company

Med Learning Group and Infographic-ED

Mobile Apps / Sites - Education

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
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Entrant Company

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Video / Online Video (Single) - Animation

Country / Region
