Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


IEEE-USA Website

Entrant Company



Website - Non-Profit

Client's Name

Gregory O. Hill

Country / Region

United States

IEEE-USA -- Building Careers & Shaping Public Policy

IEEE-USA is an organizational unit of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), created in 1973 to support the career and public policy interests of IEEE's U.S. members. IEEE-USA is primarily supported by an annual assessment paid by U.S. IEEE Members.

Through its products and services, IEEE-USA serves as a resource for enhancing the professional growth and career advancement of U.S. IEEE Members. And through its Government Relations programs, IEEE-USA works with all three branches of the federal government to help shape the workforce and technology policy to the benefit of members, the profession and the American public.

IEEE-USA's mission, as outlined in the IEEE Bylaws, is to recommend policies and implement programs specifically intended to serve and benefit the members, the profession and the public in the United States in appropriate professional areas of economic, ethical, legislative, social and technology policy concern.

Our vision is to serve the U.S. IEEE member by being the technical professional's best resource for achieving lifelong career vitality and by providing an effective voice on policies that promote U.S. prosperity.

ArtVersion | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company


Website - Automotive

Country / Region

United States

Digital Marketing
ArtVersion | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company


Digital Marketing - Email Marketing

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
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Entrant Company

System Era Softworks

Video / Online Video (Single) - Editing

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
Multipleoutlet Productions | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner
Amudim Community Resources

Entrant Company

Multipleoutlet Productions

Video / Online Video (Single) - Public Service & Activism

Country / Region

United States