Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


Ouvre les yeux - Open your eyes

Entrant Company



Video / Online Video (Single) - School / University

Client's Name

University of London Institute in Paris

Country / Region

United Kingdom

For the University of London their Institute in Paris (ULIP) is a unique differentiator that offers its students the chance to spend a year living and studying in Paris. Natives were tasked with producing an engaging video that conveyed the experience, benefits and opportunities that spending a year in Paris offers.

From student research and previous campaigns, the team knew that students are keen to see 'what it's really like'. With a limited budget of £15,000 the film took four students and, over two days, took them to the places that had been most memorable, most impactful and is most evocative of their ULIP and Paris experience, including the campus.

Creatively the film explored the juxtaposition of old and new, past and future... progress and heritage as quintessential to the ULIP experience. It aimed to provide a feeling for what it’s like to live and study in Paris at ULIP. From bringing courses to life, to enjoying a small community and discovering other ways of living and thinking, studying at ULIP has enabled them to expand their horizons both inside and outside the classroom.

In a world where everything moves so fast all of the time Paris presents a unique experience - a breath of fresh air amongst a world of noise. Studying here means putting one foot in the future and keeping one in the past - it’s a city that’s proud of its heritage, identity and history… there’s a sacredness about its culture.

Engagement has been fantastic with the facilty using the video online through its digital channels.

Virtual Reality
Mammoth Lakes Tourism | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company

Mammoth Lakes Tourism

Virtual Reality & 360 Video - 360 Video

Country / Region

United States

Mobile Apps / Sites
Miami Ad School San Francisco | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner
Avery Dennison

Entrant Company

Miami Ad School San Francisco

Mobile Apps / Sites - New Category (Mobile Apps / Sites)

Country / Region

United States

Video Channels & Networks
Promoqube | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company


Video Channels & Networks - Influencer

Country / Region


Werra Design | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company

Werra Design

Website - Law and Legal Services

Country / Region

United States