Vega Awards Platinum Winner Winner


Ready or Not Cosplay Photography Contest

Entrant Company



Social Media (Campaign) - Games / Games-Related

Client's Name

VOID Interactive

Country / Region

United States

In keeping with our strategy of keeping the community engaged and invested in the game Ready or Not—part of this effort included community activation in the form of multiple contests. One particular contest we helped build, host, and manage was a Cosplay Photography Contest held between 27th June and 22nd July 2022. We accrued over 120 entries and not only did it help generate significant engagement and discussion around this particular contest, but about the game itself. The themes and setting that it was based involved tactical law enforcement and the gear that they use.

The News Post on Steam alone accumulated 4,146,138 unique impressions and 156,437 unique views which led to the game news being featured as global popular news on the front page of Steam. Apart from the multiple posts showing off entries over social media, the announcement of winners itself garnered a total of 41,830 impressions and 6816 engagements.

It’s worth noting the prize pool included a $100 gift card and a $50 gift card for 1st and 2nd place respectively which amounted to the only cost of this contest. This was invaluable in generating new interest in the game by engaging current customers and spreading it’s reach. All these entries were shared all over social media which helped us in grassroots marketing with the game. The content generated from the contest has also been advantageous to us for future marketing efforts.

Website & Mobile Sites
State Farm Insurance Company | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

State Farm Insurance Company

Website & Mobile Sites - Service & Utilities

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
REALTIME | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company


Video / Online Video (Single) - Animation

Country / Region

United Kingdom

Video / Online Video
Denis Semenov & Artur Gadzhiev | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

Denis Semenov & Artur Gadzhiev

Video / Online Video (Single) - Best Art Direction

Country / Region


Video / Online Video
Maverick Media | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

Maverick Media

Video / Online Video (Campaign) - Animation

Country / Region

United Kingdom