Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


Spot Theater Website

Entrant Company

Yichun Lin Design


Website & Mobile Sites - Best Visual Design - Aesthetics (NEW)

Client's Name

Spot Theater

Country / Region

United States

Spot Theater is located in Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei City. Combining art and film as its feature, Spot theater aims to create a comfortable projecting environment and provides a different viewing experience.

I helped Spot Theater redesign the website. To make the layout more hierarchical, I bold the numbers in big letters and the headings in small letters, and I used black blocks to separate the information. I used black, gray, and bright brown as a color palette to match the Logo and show a humanistic and artistic vibe.

To emphasize each movie, I enlarged the movie's picture and shrunk the text to create more contrast. There is space between each movie picture so it won't be visually crowded. As a result, it is possible to produce a layout that resembles one from a newspaper. The design is more concise and neat, and the characteristics of each movie can be seen. In addition, the icon and description text are as small as possible to highlight the name and picture of the film.


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Digital Marketing
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Country / Region

United States

Social Media
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Social Media (Campaign) - Best Use of Stories

Country / Region

United States

Digital Marketing
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Country / Region

United States

Digital Marketing
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Country / Region

United States