Vega Awards Canopus Winner Winner


Web3Auth Website

Entrant Company

500 Designs


Website & Mobile Sites - Best Use of Animation / Motion Graphics

Client's Name


Country / Region

United States

We had fun with this one and had the opportunity to explore web3 design but took it back a step to ensure it looked more mature, trusted, and established. This client’s team loves using animation as a key component in the storytelling and so we aimed to gentle dress the site with animations that seem like a functional demo but didn't distract from the main message. Sometimes less is more - as long as it communicates the right message. Right?

Digital Marketing
Proscalar, LLC | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner
Texas General Land Office

Entrant Company

Proscalar, LLC

Digital Marketing (Campaign) - Integrated Campaign

Country / Region

United States

Website & Mobile Sites
Work & Co | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner

Entrant Company

Work & Co

Website & Mobile Sites - Best Visual Design - Aesthetics

Country / Region

United States

Digital Marketing
Ascend Agency | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner
Jonathan Jadali

Entrant Company

Ascend Agency

Digital Marketing (Campaign) - Branded Content

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
Hawthorne Advertising | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner
It's Just Lunch

Entrant Company

Hawthorne Advertising

Video / Online Video (Single) - Advertisement

Country / Region

United States