Vega Awards Arcturus Winner Winner


PeopleScout Recruitment - Display Advertising

Entrant Company



Digital Marketing (Campaign) - Display Advertising

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

At PeopleScout, our mission is to find, engage and deliver the best talent to our clients. So, when businesses began to ramp hiring back up in 2021, existing clients, as well as multiple new clients, were depending on PeopleScout to get them the talent they needed—and fast.

In order to keep up with this increased demand for talent, PeopleScout needed to ramp up its own internal team of recruiters, senior recruiters, recruiting coordinators, operations managers and more. So, how did they do it? They launched targeted recruitment marketing campaigns.

PeopleScout’s campaigns included ad creatives that spoke to how PeopleScout would provide value to their ideal candidate. Messaging focused on the audience’s recruiting expertise, a desire to grow in their careers, their “people-person” mentality and their passion for changing lives and making an impact by connecting people with work.

In addition, PeopleScout highlighted its people on social media with employee quotes and profiles about their role at PeopleScout and what they love about working at the company.

Website & Mobile Sites
Havas | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner

Entrant Company


Website & Mobile Sites - Environmental Awareness

Country / Region

Czech Republic

Social Media
Valasys Media | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner
IBM, Dell, Cisco, Marketo, Adobe, and Engagio

Entrant Company

Valasys Media

Social Media (Single) - Experimental / Innovative

Country / Region

United States

Website & Mobile Sites
Blackstudio Agency | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner
Hexa Network

Entrant Company

Blackstudio Agency

Website & Mobile Sites - Financial Services

Country / Region


Website & Mobile Sites
DesignHammer | Vega Website Awards 2022 Winner

Entrant Company


Website & Mobile Sites - Design / Web Agency

Country / Region

United States