Vega Awards Arcturus Winner Winner


Metro: Bus, Rail, Subway, Bike & Micro in Los Angeles

Entrant Company

The Glue, LLC


Website & Mobile Sites - Best User Experience

Client's Name

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Country / Region

United States

Users of are often in a hurry and on mobile phones without a reliable data connection. They also may have disabilities and limited English capabilities, so we aimed for the clearest simplest UI possible, making sure that the most highly trafficked functions were easy to find and uncluttered by extraneous marketing messages.

Using Google’s Material design as a foundation, The Glue worked closely with the client to craft a completely new homepage experience that highlighted essential information in a highly accessible interface. Additionally we completely reimagined the timetables experience on digital. Often on transit websites, timetables are simply PDFs of large scale tables of information that have historically been posted in large format at a transit stop. On a mobile form, this interface is nearly impossible to use and conveys little to none of the information users need. Starting from scratch with specific use cases The Glue created an intuitive, usable. mobile-first responsive timetables and mapping experience.


User Experience Direction, The Glue
Neille Ilel
Art Director, The Glue
Alex Zakari
Sr. Developer, The Glue
Christopher Arendt
Technical Director, The Glue
Umesh Handore
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Entrant Company

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Country / Region

United States

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Pan Am Museum Foundation

Entrant Company

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Country / Region

United States

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Country / Region

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Country / Region

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