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Over the last decade, information has become increasingly difficult to secure, yet all the more important to protect. ZeroFOX provides its customers with peace of mind, protection, and tools to not just identify threats but also take them down at speed. With the power of AI, the ZeroFOX platform allows businesses to stay ahead of cyber attackers by churning through internet and deep web data for developing attacks.
The Directive team was beyond excited to work with such a quality platform. We were tasked to develop a motion graphics overview video that explained the platform’s capabilities and unique selling proposition. The goal of this video was to illustrate how ZeroFOX allows companies to take back control and proactively fight cyber attacks before they strike. It was vital for the team to visualize the cyberspace landscape to not only show the scale of the danger, but also to illustrate the speed and efficacy of the ZeroFOX platform. The video was distributed on social media, targeted ads, as well as the ZeroFOX website.
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Agency Guacamole
Social Campaign & Series - Influencer Marketing
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United States
Entrant Company
Clarity Partners, LLC
Website - Manufacturing
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United States
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Mobile Apps & Sites - New Category (Mobile Apps & Sites)
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