Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


100 Free Leads and Business Reopening Toolkit Campaign

Entrant Company



Digital Marketing - Cause-related

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

2020 was a catastrophic year for business. COVID-19 and associated lockdowns sent shockwaves through the economy, saw purchasing and fulfillment grind to a halt, and capital flows freeze.

At INFUSEmedia, we saw three major trends that concerned us:

Businesses closing: During the period of Feb. to April 2020, the number of active business owners in the United States plunged by 3.3 million, or 22%, the largest drop in history.

Sales pipelines drying up: In a SalesHacker survey, 57% of sales professionals reported that they were seeing fewer leads.

Shrinking marketing teams hampering recovery: The CMO Survey for June 2020 observed that 9% of marketing jobs have been lost due to the ongoing crisis, with average hiring estimated to be -3.5% in the next year.

We saw that INFUSEmedia could provide vital support throughout the toughest periods of the lockdown, and provide some sales pipeline and revenue opportunity.

Our plan was simple: deliver 100 high quality leads to 100 companies, at absolutely zero cost or obligation.

The program was originally planned through the end of March. However, after receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from companies across almost every vertical, and in alliance with the Federal Government’s “30 days to slow the spread,” we decided to extend the program through the end of April.

We realized that we had to do more. The Business Reopening Toolkit program launched in Q3 - continuing to deliver free leads, while also providing valuable resources to support sustainable demand generation efforts. We focused our efforts where they were needed most -- small and medium-sized businesses.

The response to the program was overwhelmingly positive:

“Your offer to jump-start new lead gen—no strings attached—is a lifeline.”

— VP Marketing

“INFUSEmedia reached out to us offering 100 free leads as a pilot. It seemed too good to be true but we got on the phone with them and I was impressed.”

–– Sr. Director, Strategic Growth

INFUSEmedia provided 25,000 free leads, in addition to business continuity resources, to businesses across the world.

For more information, visit: INFUSEmedia official website.


Alexander Kesler
Dan Freeman
David Verwey
Executive Director, INFUSEmedia
Larysa Zakirova
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