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AARP Work & Jobs collaborates with employers, helping them promote their commitment to hiring and affirming experienced workers and providing them with tools to cultivate a multigenerational workforce. The AARP Employer Pledge Program is a way for employers to publicly show this commitment to their organization, employees, and community. To promote the Employer Pledge Program, AARP developed a warming campaign landing page to give an overview of the program and the many advantages of attracting and hiring an age-diverse workforce to encourage employers to affirm older workers and sign the pledge.
Entrant Company
Groove Jones
VR & 360 Video - Science & Technology
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Moms Don't Have Time To
Podcasts (Campaign) - Best Series
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
The Savage Bureau, Inc.
Website - Best Technical Achievement
Country / Region
United States