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People perceive gym as a place to gain muscle, lose weight, or just get fit. Well, it's true. But we also know that there are people who come to the gym for other reasons: stress at work, distracting themselves from a heartbreak, following trends, following friends, or just to take a shower. So, wouldn’t it be great if we celebrate the many other reasons too? Because any reason is a good reason to start a journey.
We are bringing this campaign to acknowledge, to celebrate and empower anyone, not only the bodybuilder or the health-conscious, but also for the one who want to find soul-mate, the one who stressed out from work or even the one who want to meet their idol. We want to tell them, that with Gold’s Gym you are welcome as you are. Because Gold’s Gym Indonesia believes that whatever your reason is, together we can reach the goal.
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Gravity Global
Video / Online Video (Single) - Automotive
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United Kingdom
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Video / Online Video (Single) - Consumer Product / Services
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STARMEN Design Group
Website - Health Care Services
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United States