Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


This is College Campaign

Entrant Company

Tarrant County College


Video / Online Video (Campaign) - Advertisement

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

This campaign begins with three commercials -- both for radio and television. The commercials feature a wife and mother studying in her closet at home, a student studying medical technology and another student in our Aviation Program. The ultimate purpose of this campaign is to encourage the listener or viewer to take a fresh look at college, specifically college at Tarrant County College, which may pleasantly surprise them by not being the way they thought college would be.

Video / Online Video
Miami Ad School, Miami | Vega Website Awards 2020 Winner

Entrant Company

Miami Ad School, Miami

Video / Online Video (Single) - New Category (Video)

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
Player One Trailers | Vega Website Awards 2020 Winner
Iceberg Interactive

Entrant Company

Player One Trailers

Video / Online Video (Single) - Best Editing

Country / Region

United States

Agent Image | Vega Website Awards 2020 Winner
Property Experts

Entrant Company

Agent Image

Websites - Real Estate

Country / Region

United States

Virtual Reality
Miami Ad School Hamburg | Vega Website Awards 2020 Winner
HTC Vive

Entrant Company

Miami Ad School Hamburg

Virtual Reality & 360 Video - Best User Experience

Country / Region
