Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


VEGA Awards Website Redesign | Bill Howe

Entrant Company

Power Digital Marketing, Inc.


Website - Professional Services

Client's Name

Bill Howe

Country / Region

United States

The Challenge

Bill Howe was in need of a redesign, not only because of a few fundamental graphic design flaws, but also because the client wanted to update a calendar feature on the homepage to better track appointments and optimize overall scheduling.

The Strategy

The Bill Howe website seemed like a small site at first glance, but when the Power Digital team started building the sitemap and wire frames, they realized it was a lot more complex than they originally thought. All of the site’s sub pages had additional sub informational pages under each service, so customers could easily end up lost in the tangle of pages. To untangle the web pages, the team redesigned the site so users know exactly where they are at all times and can easily navigate through pages forward and backward without getting lost.The team also reorganized the menu in a user-friendly pattern so customers aren’t overwhelmed and can easily identify the page they need. Furthermore, the team rebuilt the calendar feature, making it more structured and adding all the different services they offer. Through the calendar, the client can now easily access the backend and manage periods of time and availability of the different services.

The Results • Optimal user experience An ‘A’ Site Speed score on GTMetrix  User-friendly backend  Successful SEO migration of all pages  25 uniquely designed, conversion oriented templates.

Mobile Apps / Sites
Vincit  | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company


Mobile Apps / Sites - Best User Interface / Experience

Country / Region

United States

Key Medium | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner
Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia

Entrant Company

Key Medium

Website - Visual Appeal

Country / Region

United States

Creative Outhouse | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company

Creative Outhouse

Audio (Single) - Podcast Single Episode

Country / Region

United States

ArtVersion | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner
SOS Children’s Villages Illinois

Entrant Company


Website - Charitable Organization

Country / Region

United States