Vega Awards Centauri Winner Winner


Manifold Data Mining

Entrant Company

Manifold Data Mining


Website - Science / Technology

Client's Name

Manifold Data Mining

Country / Region


Manifold Data Mining is a data science/ Big Data driven company that provides consumer marketing analytics, predictive modeling and market research insights for businesses, using a proprietary algorithm developed by their founder, a leading mathematician and data scientist.

The goal of this web design project was to showcase Manifold’s unique capabilities, consumer data products and expertise in providing market research data and insights to some of Canada’s leading brands, government organizations and charities.

Our design approach was driven by our discovery meeting, where we took a deep dive into Manifold’s clientele and products. Next, we wireframed and re-organized the site architecture. Finally, the front end design took a decidedly creative spin on data products. Since telling the story of data products can sometimes be dry, we let the power of human-figure illustrations and custom icons do the work in telling the story of the company. We also wanted to provide more opportunities for visitors to find the information they need faster and for Manifold to be able to convert visitors into leads. So we built the site architecture and Data Details pages to allow clients to “sample” the data and request more info from the sales team.

Manifold now has a brand new website and dare we say..we’ve made their data story a little more fun and enticing, by showing the insights data science can deliver to help brands grow. The company’s fresh, new, mobile-friendly design, improved navigation and enhanced product filtering has resulted in an engaging, easy-to-navigate user experience, as well as rave reviews from the client and their customers.


director | napkin marketing
Adina Zaiontz
account manager | napkin marketing
Matthew Martin
graphic designer | napkin marketing
Chanelle Miller
web developer | napkin marketing
Maria T. Dianes
Video / Online Video
Liquid | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company


Video / Online Video (Single) - Children / Parenting

Country / Region

United States

FindLaw | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner
Frye Law Group, LLC

Entrant Company


Website - Law and Legal Services

Country / Region

United States

Digital Marketing
ArtVersion | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company


Digital Marketing - Innovative / Experimental

Country / Region

United States

Video / Online Video
Drakaina Foundation | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner
Emaneul Kapp

Entrant Company

Drakaina Foundation

Video / Online Video (Single) - Directing

Country / Region

United States