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Tasked with redesigning the bicyclecoalition.org website, we introduced a refreshed brand identity system and helped to refine the Coalition's story to strengthen brand awareness--towards maximizing impact through a program-driven information architecture--working to grow membership as the primary goal. Following market research, stakeholder surveys, and design thinking workshops--there was a slight revamp of programming, more clearly conveying the Coalition's benefits and societal impact. With strengthened messaging and identity system, we introduced a complimentary design system tailored to the Coalition--to be animated, action-oriented, and simply--fun! We highlighted key victories (https://bicyclecoalition.org/about/victories), built out an action center, a simple path towards getting involved, and better showcased corporate sponsors to maximize corporate value--encouraging more membership and support towards greater, societal-wide impact in 9 counties in Pennsylvania and New Jersey (while also simultaneously keeping the existing site operational, fixing several issues, and running a pro bono ad campaign).
Entrant Company
Bluemango Communications Pte Ltd
Video / Online Video (Single) - Live Experiences
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Entrant Company
Gladiator Consulting
Website - New Category (Website)
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United States
Entrant Company
Website - Law and Legal Services
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United States