Vega Awards Arcturus Winner Winner


Elmer's Slimes Games 3.0

Entrant Company

Splash Worldwide


Video / Online Video (Single) - Promotion / Contest

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

"Slime Games 3.0', was made to continue to inspire kids to make slime concoctions for a chance at fame. This new series of competition will leverage the same 6 category competition microsite framework created for Slime Games 1.0, while incorporating a fresh new twist to keep the competition fresh and exciting for consumers. The videos and photography that was be created was used on the Elmer's 'Slime Games' hub as well other channels including social media, PR, digital and CRM to promote and inspire kids to enter the contest. The videos will illustrate how the themes can come to life with fun and easy interpretations for the 6 slime categories introduced in the competition.


Tao Garcia
Senior Account Manager
Alyssa Pulice
Firmseek | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company


Website - Law and Legal Services

Country / Region

United States

Wisconsin Interactive Network | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner
Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services

Entrant Company

Wisconsin Interactive Network

Website - Government

Country / Region

United States

Digital Marketing
LHWH Advertising & PR | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner

Entrant Company

LHWH Advertising & PR

Digital Marketing - Display Advertising

Country / Region

United States

Key Medium / Princeton Partners | Vega Website Awards 2019 Winner
Trenton Downtown Association

Entrant Company

Key Medium / Princeton Partners

Website - Tourism

Country / Region

United States