Vega Awards Silver Winner


Wel AI

Entrant Company

Ruoyong Hong, Qian Wan


Apps & Softwares - Best Use of AI & Machine Learning

Client's Name

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In an era where AI often overshadows human essence in communication, Wel AI emerges as a solution to this challenge. It reimagines the integration of AI in daily email tasks, facilitating analytical reading and championing a conversational approach to email composition. By cultivating a personal writing style and building a social relationship library, Wel AI ensures both the user and AI benefit symbiotically. The design fosters a flexible and respectful collaboration between humans and AI. Wel AI doesn't just assist; it collaborates, ensuring the assistance provided is tailored, enhancing communication while preserving individuality.

The design addresses email complexities. New users seek growth in writing, while professionals demand efficiency with a personal touch. Current AI solutions fall short. Wel AI combines AI's strengths with the valued personal touch in emails. It offers insightful daily summaries with people, purpose, and tone tags. As users engage, they co-create a personalized contact and writing library. This bond ensures AI's help is both technical and personal, addressing email challenges. The design envisions an AI that truly complements human capabilities.


Lead Designer
Ruoyong Hong
Lead Designer
Qian Wan
VR & 360 Video
Wanyue (Luna) Wang | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

Wanyue (Luna) Wang

VR & 360 Video (Single) - Best Use of Interactivity

Country / Region

United States

Website & Mobile Sites
Blue Telescope | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner
Sing Sing Prison Museum

Entrant Company

Blue Telescope

Website & Mobile Sites - Best Art Direction

Country / Region

United States

VR & 360 Video
CraneMorley Inc. | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

CraneMorley Inc.

VR & 360 Video (Single) - Instructional & Training

Country / Region

United States

The Possibility Project | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

The Possibility Project

Podcast (Single) - Best Individual Episode

Country / Region

United States